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The Registry regularly documents all the Court’s judgments and decisions. The judgments are promptly uploaded to the Legal Information System of the Republic of Austria (RIS) in the Constitutional Court’s database. From 1980 onwards, all decisions are available free of charge, retrievable by search terms, paragraphs, and other criteria. Provided with tags, standards and a head note highlighting the main points of the ruling, they are available in abridged versions (“Rechtssätze”) and in full text (“Texte”).

Apart from the online publication in the RIS, our most important judgments and decisions (“Erkenntnisse und Beschlüsse des Verfassungsgerichtshofes”) are officially published in print. This official collection has existed since 1919 and has documented over 20.000 cases decided by the Constitutional Court. It can be ordered from bookshops. Judgments and decisions prior to 1980 are available online in the official collection of public rulings in the ALEX database of the Austrian National Library (ALEX-Portal der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek). 

If you have any questions concerning the Court’s judgments and desicions, please do not hesitate to contact via our contact form.

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