Irmgard GRISS

Dr. Irmgard Griss, born on Oct. 13th, 1946 in Bösenbach; graduated from the Bundeshandelsakademie (BHAK, Commercial Academy) Graz in 1965; qualification in Latin in 1966; doctorate in law (Dr.iur.) at the University of Graz in 1970; assistant at the Department of Civil Procedure Law at the University of Graz from 1971 to 1975; Master of Laws in International Legal Studies at Harvard Law School, 1974/75; candidate lawyer in Vienna from 1976 to 1978; bar exam in 1978; judge at the District Court for Commercial Matters (“Bezirksgericht für Handelssachen”) in Vienna from 1979 to 1980, judge at the Commercial Court (“Handelsgericht”) in Vienna from 1981 to 1987, and judge at the Higher Regional Court of Vienna from 1987 to 1992; judge at the Austrian Supreme Court and member of the Supreme Patent and Trademark Senate (“Oberster Patent- und Markensenates”) since 1993; president of the Supreme Court of Austria from 2007 until 2011; license to teach civil and commercial law as honorary professor at the University of Graz; head of the Conciliation Board for Consumer Services (“Schlichtungsstelle für Verbrauchergeschäfte”) since May 2013; international judge at the Singapore International Commercial Court since January 2015; executive function for legal entities (except registered associations); managing partner at the Dr. Griss GmbH; substitute member of the Constitutional Court since 2008, nominated by the Federal Council.