Dr. Ingrid Siess-Scherz
born in 1965 in Vienna
since 2012 | Member of the Constitutional Court |
until 1984 | Schooling in Vienna |
1989 | Magister iuris, University of Vienna |
1991 | Legal clerkship |
1992 | Doctor iuris, University of Vienna |
1995 | Civil service exam |
Employment History
1988–1991 | Assistant at the Institute of Constitutional and Administrative Law of the University of Vienna (Prof. Heinz Mayer) |
1990–1992 | Trainee lawyer |
1992–2008 | Federal Chancellery, Constitutional Service (head of department as of 1997 and deputy head of the Constitutional Service as of 2007) |
2005–2008 | Deputy legal representative before the European Court of Human Rights |
2008–2012 | Austrian Parliament, Parliamentary Administration, Head of the Legal, Legislative, and Scientific Service |
Other Functions
1998–2003 | Member of the Human Rights Commission at the Federal Ministry of the Interior |
2005–2006 | Chair of the Committee of Experts for the Improvement of Procedures for the Protection of Human Rights of the Council of Europa (DH-PR) |
2005–2008 | Member of the Bureau of the Steering Committee for Human Rights of the Council of Europe (CDDH) |
Board member of the Austrian Society for Legislative Doctrine (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Gesetzgebungslehre)
Board member of the Austrian Lawyers’ Commission (Österreichische Juristenkommission)
Board member of the Vienna Law Society (Wiener Juristische Gesellschaft)
Vice-President of the Austrian Society for Administrative Sciences (Österreichische Verwaltungswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft)
Vice-President of the Austrian Lawyers’ Association (Österreichischer Juristentag)