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Up-to-Date Information

29.06.2018 G 77/2018

Intersex persons have the right to adequate entry into civil register

The Constitutional Court decides that the Civil Register Act must be interpreted in conformity with the Constitution, thus none of its provisions needs to be repealed.


Constitutional Court complete again: New President Brigitte Bierlein, Vice-President Christoph Grabenwarter, three new judges

As three Members reached retirement age at the end of 2017, the vacancies had to be filled.

05.12.2017 G 258/2017 ua

Distinction between marriage and registered partnership violates ban on discrimination

The Constitutional Court repeals legal provisions which distinguish between opposite-sex and same-sex couples as of the end of 31 December 2018.


Resolution on "Respect for Independence of Constitutional Courts"

Adopted at the XVIIth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts in Batumi, Georgia (June 26th-28th, 2017)

30.06.2017 G 53/2017

Expropriation of Hitler’s Birthplace by Law is not Unconstitutional

The Constitutional Court rejects the application by the former owner of the house. Expropriation is the only means to ensure full power of disposal by the Republic of Austria.

Judgments ...
The Members of the Constitutional Court

Members of the Constitutional Court: Overview

More information about the activity of the Members of the Constitutional Court


Activity Reports

The activity reports of the Constitutional Court contain statistics on number of cases, duration of proceedings etc.


Citizens’ Service

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The History of the Constitutional Court: An Overview

The History of the Constitutional Court

An Overview

International Aiffairs

Constitutional Justice at International Level

Frequently Asked Questions


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